This site has a very simple premise. Every post will contain a list of 6 things joined by a common theme. The idea is to spark thought and conversations. If you want to submit your own please send an email to the gmail account 6thing. You can also follow us on twitter under the username 6thing

Saturday, July 26, 2008

6 anchor spirits for a home bar

  1. Vodka
  2. Bourbon
  3. Tequila
  4. Rum
  5. Gin
  6. Scotch
Some of you may wonder about having bourbon and scotch, but trust me it's key. Scotch begins to extend into the next level of beverage from your basic mixable staples, but it's key to set your bar up at the right level


x said...

I would argue Rye over Scotch if we're talking home bar essentials. Much more useful.


Marc said...

Max, I am definitely a fan of rye, esp with ginger. But I feel scotch is an essential spirit for any bar once the bases are covered. Rye is the 3rd whiskey I'd add