This site has a very simple premise. Every post will contain a list of 6 things joined by a common theme. The idea is to spark thought and conversations. If you want to submit your own please send an email to the gmail account 6thing. You can also follow us on twitter under the username 6thing

Monday, August 4, 2008

6 belgian beers to knock your socks off

  1. Houblon Chouffee
  2. Corsendonk
  3. Bokrijks kruikenbier
  4. Chimay blue
  5. Duvel
  6. Rochefort 10

Submitted by Jolly Jack over email. To mention your own favorites please use the comments


Aaron Burke said...

Kriek Lambic is awesome... a cherry beer that is a wonderful desert beer. Hoegaarden (a Belgian white) is also one of my personal favorites.

Anonymous said...

kriek is too cough syrupy for me, but the peche is delicious!

Iris said...

Delirium Tremens. high alcohol content without being overly hoppy or bitter.