This site has a very simple premise. Every post will contain a list of 6 things joined by a common theme. The idea is to spark thought and conversations. If you want to submit your own please send an email to the gmail account 6thing. You can also follow us on twitter under the username 6thing

Friday, August 8, 2008

6 things you learn in operations

  1. Don't starve the bottleneck
  2. L = λ W ( thanks John Little)
  3. Manage the bullwhip ( reduce information latency)
  4. Variability Causes congestion
  5. Real problems are often NP Hard, use a heuristic or simulate the hell out of it
  6. Forecasts are always wrong, good forecasts are just less wrong and for a near horizon
Some of these you learn in school, some of these you learn on the job. Real world learnings that almost made the cut are below
  • Grads students are cheaper to hire than undergrads or consultants and produce better work
  • Real supply chain optimization is an exercise in contracts not math
  • No one really cares about the best solution, any improvement is met with praise
  • Performance Metrics only have to be representative, not truly meaningful, if they are truly meaningful and not deftly named they'll never get monitored

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