This site has a very simple premise. Every post will contain a list of 6 things joined by a common theme. The idea is to spark thought and conversations. If you want to submit your own please send an email to the gmail account 6thing. You can also follow us on twitter under the username 6thing

Thursday, August 7, 2008

6 Songs for sporting events

  1. Garry Glitter-Rock and Roll part 2
  2. Survivor- Eye of the tiger
  3. Queen- We Will Rock You
  4. House of Pain-Jump Around
  5. M/A/R/R/S- Pump up the volume
  6. Blur- Song 2
Some songs just make you want to out box Dolph Lundgren to win the cold war, or perform some other sports feat. I wrangled up a few of them, but leave your favorite sports jams in the comments and if we get another 6 I'll toss up another 6thing

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'll always associate "Cotton-Eyed Joe" by Rednex with hockey games. For some reason, Canadians really used to like that song.